
Things happening around seals and ice cream

Today I was strolling around in Gothenburg, where I am at the moment visting a friend of mine. We went to Slottsparken, which is a park with some zoo-spots. When we were standing watching the seals swim around in their pool, there was a little girl next to us singing a home made song " "sälisarna", ni är ju så tjocka, ni är ju så tjocka" (seals, you are so fat, you are so fat). During this little song she held a coin in her hands but dropped it in the water during the song. She saw it disappear in the water and then told her mum "now I am sad" and started crying. A few comforts later she was happily standing in the ice cream line, awating her reward... Why is it that we as adults cannot utter our sorrows and forget about them in the same way as the little girl, wouldn't that be nice?