
here's looking at you kid

The eyes are the windows of the soul. I bet you've heard that expression before, and even if you aren't a strong believer in the koncept of us humans having a soul, you might think there is a grain of truth in it. At least we often think the eyes express our feelings. We say someone has sad eyes or glittering eyes or perhaps sexy eyes etc. Here is the hard fact: the eyes are no windows and you cannot tell anything about how
our mood is from just looking at a couple of eyes.
It is the muscles around the eyes that do all the
work. The muscles contract and relax and thus
display our different moods. But how nice would
it be to hear that the muscles around the eyes
are the windows of the soul?
Oh! and now you know why botoxed people look
so emotionless...


François Rossé said...

that's a really cool post. I was kinda shocked, when you wrote that the eyes are no window at all, but was glad to see the conclusion...;) take care... frouzi

Marie said...

I know revealing romantic facts can be hard ;-)